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How to Grow Your ER:LC Server

· 5 min read

Growing an ER:LC server can be difficult. With the thousands of ER:LC private servers there are today, you may find it difficult to stand out or gain members. By following this guide, you will learn how to grow your ER:LC server and explore its max potential.

erlc image

Image from Greater Toronto Roleplay

  1. Creating an Engaging Discord Server
  2. Signing Up for the Melonly ER:LC Server Directory
  3. Growing your Moderation Team
  4. Posting on Social Media

Creating an Engaging Discord Server

A discord server is the place where your members come to engage with your community, hear about updates to your server, and more. Making an engaging discord server will keep members coming back and enjoy being a part of your server. Some examples of ways to create an engaging and entertaining discord server are hosting events, posting questions of the day, and having often discussions in chats.

Hosting events is a great way to make you stand out from the crowd. By hosting events, you will catch the attention of your members and may even attract new members. Events can be discord related, in ER:LC, or even on other games.

Managing and keeping an active chat is something that is very underestimated. Keeping a chat active and making people come back to a chat can do a lot for your server; you’ll keep members interested and even attract new members. Some ways to maintain an active chat are posting questions of the day to start conversations, having staff and high ranks interact with the community, and more. There are many other ways to do this. Do your own research, test some ideas out, and use what works for you!

Signing Up for the Melonly ER:LC Server Directory

Melonly’s ER:LC Server Directory is a great way to market and grow your ER:LC server. By posting your server on the directory, you can attract new members to your server.

Configuring your server on the directory is very important to its success. When you upload your server, you want to upload information such as your discord server invite, socials, join code, and any other applicable information. If you do not link your discord server, there is no way for people to join and engage with your community.

To optimize your performance on the directory, your server needs to gain many votes and good reviews. The higher the number of votes and rating of a server, the higher it will appear on the directory. Appearing high on the directory means it will be seen by more people and will attract more members. Some ways to gain votes and reviews are to give voter/reviewer benefits to your members and setting up a voting/reviews channel (Melonly will automatically post votes/reviews in these channels).

Growing your Moderation Team

As your server grows, your moderation team will need to grow as well. Growing a moderation team is important to make sure that your community is following rules you set. When a server lacks moderation, members will be annoyed and not be interested in playing in your server.

A moderation team is only good if it is active. There’s no point in hiring moderators for your server if none of them are gonna be active. Being active includes two parts; moderating and enforcing rules in your community, and engaging with the community. The first part is obvious; your moderation team needs to enforce rules and perform their tasks. The second part is very important as well. Having your moderation team engage with your community makes your server appear active and can keep members interested.

Posting on Social Media

Posting on social media is a great way to attract new members to your servers. Some social media platforms you can post on are TikTok and YouTube. With people consuming hours and hours of content everyday, putting your content on these platforms will get people hearing about your server, get them interested, and may make some people join your server.

You want to make sure the content you’re posting on these platforms is of decent quality. Videos that are low quality and don’t have good effort put into them will make your server seem unprofessional or that you don’t care. When coming up with content ideas, do your research! Take inspiration from other servers who are doing the same thing, and make sure you’re posting content that’s interesting and of decent to high quality. For servers that have the funds, it may be a good idea to hire someone to help produce your content.

By following these tips, you will be able to make your server stand out from the crowd and grow. Remember, growing your server takes time. Make sure you’re putting in strong effort, listening to your community's feedback, and doing more research. Good luck!