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Smart Autocomplete

Melonly's Smart Autocomplete feature suggests usernames when creating or viewing logs that were recently kicked, banned, or teleported to in-game. This feature reads ER:LC Webhooks to detect when an action occurs. Smart autocomplete will suggest recently moderated usernames on our web-based moderator panel and our discord bot.

Smart autocomplete is only suggested on our discord bot when the user is a staff member of the Melonly server. With this protection in place, non-staff members will be unable to see recent actions from your server.

smart autocomplete

How to Configure

To get started with smart autocomplete for your server, go to your server dashboard and select the ER:LC Game Integration tab.

Then, set the ER:LC Webhooks Channel setting. This will allow Melonly to read webhooks sent from ER:LC to use in smart autocomplete.

After that, you're done!